
—– 設立60周年 —–

日本ポルシェクラブ(Porsche Club of Japan = PCJ)は、1963年に当時のポルシェオーナー有志が集まって設立した由緒あるクラブ組織です。以来58年間、自主的に継続して独自の活動を続け、現在は東北・関東・中部・関西と計4支部を持ち、2018年度の総会員数は243名です。全国規模のカークラブとしては会員数は決して多くはありませんが、何よりもメンバー同士の和と大人のクラブとしての紳士的な交流を大事にしています。

—– 60th Anniversary 1963-2022 —–

Ever since the Porsche Club of Japan ( PCJ ) was founded in1963 by a handful of proud owners of Porsche cars, we have been voluntarily, independently and continuously providing a sanctuary to Japanese Porsche lovers for 60 years. We take pride that the history and the heritage of the club have been passed on and preserved through the efforts of the successive chairmen and members to meet the prestige of the Porsche marque. As of 2022 we have 227 members at 4 regional chapters of Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu and Kansai. For a motoring club having national coverage, we are samall, but above all, we cherish harmony between members and pride ourselves as a blue-blooded clique all sharing comparable Porsche values. Our members enjoy club organized track events, touring events, overnight outings, skiing, golfing gourmet events and Porsche talk, but keeping up with the distribution of the ever improving iconic Porsche marque is the club’s raison d’etre.